Here's the finished product of the bridesmaid dress I altered. It ended up being a lot easier than I expected. I decided to do a pinch hem at the waist instead of unpicking the skirt from the bodice, which would have been painful...very painful. Pinching was fine and dandy until I got to the side seams. The skirt had fullness that I had take in...or so I thought. Upon trying to figure out how to take in and taper the side seams I tried the dress on to find out it looked much better if I just made gathers out of the extra fabric instead of tapering it. So in the end the style of the dress ended up changing a little, but it still looks nice (honestly, once you alter anything it won't be the same as it was when you started).
Here's the pinch before I sewed it down and trimmed it.

Now sewn down and trimmed.

The front of the dress (sorry no modeling)

The back

The side seam with gathers (between the arrows)

Next project will be a little girl's dress. Still deciding which one to do first.
Great job! I'm way impressed! Can't wait to see the little girl's dress ;)
Random question: How hard is it to replace the zipper on a little boy's jacket. I'm wondering if it's worth it to try and replace or if I should just tpss it. (The top stop for the zipper as well as a few teeth from the top got chewed off (guess who?). I can send pics to show you how it's attached if that helps :)
Sure thing! If there aren't too many teeth missing at the top you might be able to get away with just replacing the zipper pull instead of the whole zipper. Send me some pics and I'll tell you what can be done (surprisingly, replacing a jacket zipper can be easier than pant zippers...sometimes).
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