Saturday, October 30, 2010


Here is a costume I made for Halloween this year.   First, here's the inspiration...
And the results.
I wanted to make shoe coverings to be more accurate, but I ran out of time.  There are some other adjustments I wanted, but again, I started on it a bit late to be really picky.  Next year, start earlier (as long as life doesn't get in the way right? lol).
Some costume details:
The shirt was a re-purposed woman's t-shirt.
Pants were also re-purposed from a woman's pair of active wear pants.

1 comment:

Paigeepee. said...

oh my gosh ohhh my gosh your daughter is precious :) i'm a friend of your sisters from school and she loooves your daughter to death :) i love your blog!! its so cute!